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Foto van schrijverMargreet Feenstra

Yes! 'Bye Bye Citylife Hello Dutch Countryside' nu bij Amazon

Is dit niet geweldig? De feel good story 'Ik vertrek naar het platteland' is nu ook vertaald en verkrijgbaar op Amazon. I'm so proud!

In de afgelopen tijd hebben we met de vormgever en de vertaler hard gewerkt om de Engelstalige versie te realiseren.

'Ik vertrek naar het platteland' is 'Bye Bye City Life, Hello Dutch Countryside' geworden.

Ken je iemand die je op dit boek wilt wijzen? Of wil je het kado geven? Je bestelt het zo op Amazon.

Dan krijg je dus zoiets op de achterkant:

'Every city dweller sometimes wonders: what would it be like to move to the countryside? Finally your own fruit orchard, vegetable patch, and chicken coop. Finally no more noisy neighbours. Finally your own space. Lots of space.

Six years ago, Margreet Feenstra and her husband took the plunge, moving into a fixer-upper house with two dilapidated barns and a plot of land, set between dykes, sheep, and the endless pastures of the Dutch countryside. But the excitement of the early months is replaced by trepidation when sudden bad news disturbs the idyll of their new rural life.

Margreet Feenstra (1968) is a writer and actor from the Netherlands. She was most recently a columnist for a Dutch national magazine about living in the countryside. This is her fourth book.'

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